Friday, October 5, 2018

A True Gentleman Never Leaves His Lady "A Simple Guide to be a Gentleman"

Do you call yourself a man? Are you a gentleman?. If you think you are a gentleman what makes you considering yourself as a gentleman?. Is it because your good looking physique? Is it your money? Or your etiquette?. Well as a fellow man myself, i believe i am a gentlemen or not or whatever. However, i know one thing for sure a gentleman never leaves his lady, a gentleman never be a dick, a gentleman will always have time to spare for their family.
As Alessandro Del Piero said : “A true gentleman never leaves his lady.” I heard about many men leaves his lady because of his own lust. Yes, lust is something every men has, if the lust is not controlled it would make men like an animal who is always hungry, which means they will regard women as a prey. When he got one prey and “eat” it. After “stuffed” they will lay down waiting their big tummy to be emptied then prepare to hunt again and left the prey as it was nothing. This happened to some men, as some men are feel superior than their lady, they just feel bored with their companion, try to hunt another prey again and again. The problem is women is not a prey nor a toy. If you call yourself a man and even gentleman then you need to regard women as part of yourself. If you are a moslem then you know that women was created from our ribs who protected our heart. Ribs protected our heart from any damages so does with woman, they are here given by The God godself to protect us, comfort us, supporting us whatever our situation is.  This means that as a man there always something to let us down, problems, enemies, everything that could make you lose your hope and imagine if it struck down to your heart directly which does not have any ribs to protect it what will happen? You will simply tremble and give up to the situation you are in then fall forever to the abyss with no one who will help you. So consider this please do not regard women as a toy or prey and please don’t just leave them because you are getting bored of them, if you did so then you become a dick.
Yes a gentleman never be a dick. Some men feel so superior nowadays when they could seduce many women for them. Oh please, you are not a prophet, you are just a man who are nothing compared to them. You think being a playboy or have many wives is a show of strength and man chivalry? In truth you are just being a dick. I asked many women that i met in my life, do they want to share their loved one with another women?. One hundred percent of them answered no, no, and no. You might also wondering why should we be a playboy or have many wives? We could be fair you know bla, bla, blablabla. Yes i know be fair and be fair, but you are being stubborn here. Have you not read what i just wrote?. One hundred percent of women that i asked about this said no!. You decided to pick her, so be gentle with her, love her, care for her, and she will give you happiness forever. Also remember, women is not like us, they are emotionally stronger than us and it’s incredibly difficult to persuade them to be more logical. Women is like your ribs you can’t force them to be straight in an instant as they will just simply break and you can’t ignore your ribs as they will also break. So you need to be careful and be gentle and note this, carve this in your heart. Don’t be a dick. You are not an animal you are a gentleman.
Now imagine you have married your woman. You guys are officially become a family now. A family need a very lovely passionate touch to be last forever. Also family need a decent financial support to help it last. Sometimes some men are too busy to spare their time with their families because of his job. This is a real threat to your family and i apologize to say this if you never spare your time with your family especially your wife you are not a true man because you got no time to spare for your family especially your wife. As Don Corleone from The Godfather said “A man who doesn’t spend his time with his family can never be a real man.” .
 As i wrote before, a man need be gentle caring and loving especially to his wife. Yes i know you work hard to support your family but remember money is just a small part of being happy. Just relax a bit and try to enjoy the money you earned with your wife. Go have a picnic, go shopping, or simple cuddling with your wife the entire day. This i guarantee will make your family last forever. If you are too busy with your job then some women will feel lonely they will feel your money is nothing compared to your presence for them, they will left a hole in their heart a hole which a dick could fill. As they feel lonely a dick would aproach your lovely wife of yours and he will try to seduce your wife, if your wife resisted then how lucky and how much you must be grateful you are and if you don’t please blame your ownself and check yourself what you did wrong?. Are you lacking of the guts of being man?. Did you care her enough?. It’s natural for women to feel lonely and then cheat on you. In the end if you can’t do this your marriage would be simply ruined. According to The Cut most of women cheats because they feel lonely as their husband spend their entire time to work and left no time for them. So remember always spend your time for your family, be a man, be a gentleman.
In the end, i could guarantee you that happiness will last forever in you and your loved one. Be faithful to your wife, remember marriage is a fate that you altered, is not like your sex or your parents that God given to you, it’s something you earned, so be faithful and do your best. Also Control your lust, you are a gentleman not an animal and obviously not a dick. Furthermore remember when your marriage comes please always spare your time with your family regardless how busy you are. You become a man your child would be proud of, your wife would be so grateful that God given her a man like you. God would be delighted to have a follower like you.
Be a man, be a gentleman, you can do it!.


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