Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What's Wrong with Our Education?

"Ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madyo mangun karso, tut wuri handayani."

 -Kyai Hajar Dewantoro-.

Become an example, giving encouragement through the middle, and giving support from behind. That is education motto according to Kyai Hajar Dewantoro. Since our independence day we've been established education for our people in order to educate people and humanize them (Sisdiknas UU RI No. 20 2003). However have we fulfilled the purpose of our National Education System?. Have we achieved what  was expected from our education?. In terms of education we've fallen behind from Singapore who has 0,768 score of Unesco Education Index and only 1,3% of Singaporean who failed to finished their education, Indonesia however only has 0,603 score of Unesco Education Index and we have 11 % of Indonesian who failed to finished their education. Of course we have so many factor and i personally considered our education has failed. Why?. There are many reasons of course, however i will bring out 3 key factors why i considered Education in Indonesia has failed, we failed to maximize our students potential, failed to  encourage our students, and of course we failed to offer the best infrastructure availaible for the entire country. 
"As a developing country who still need a role model to help us form the best education avalaible for our people then we shall choose the country which has incredibly succeeded in Education. Finland has the best education system that we could learn to. " 

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to to climb a tree, it will live it's whole live believing that it's stupid." -Albert Enstein-

Firstly, our education has failed to maximize our student's potential. Most of our student never found their  potential, choose the wrong field, or even could not maximize what he/she got. This happened everywhere in every school in Indonesia. I have a friend she has a remarkable voice however as a human being she has a weaknesses which is she can not learn mathematics and it's kind swiftly. A couple of years ago, she tried to entered the best school in town and not suprisingly she failed because her grade was not enough to entered the school despite all of her singing achievement. Well as we know in Indonesia Education we must excellence at everything to entered the best institution avalaible, so no matter how prestitious you are in your major field, it would be useless if your are terrible at everything else. Not only that in daily basis as we all already experienced we must excellence at everything otherwise we would fail to pass the class even though we have a very excellence major field. . This is what is terribly wrong with our education, it has no tolerance of weakness, it has no appreciation for talent and potential. In Finland they appreciated every student talent and potential, they help students to find out their potential, bring them into talent, and help them maximize it. Finnish believe that every student is smart in their own major field, no one is clever above the other, only people who are excellence on his/her own field. 

Secondly, we failed to encourage our student. When we talk about talent and potential first we must encourage students to find it theirself and we failed to do it. As what we know in Indonesia we teach everything to students without telling what is the importance of the subject and we demand them to excellently pass all of the subject avalaible like arts, physical education, mathematics, science, local customary, national language, international language, science, sociology, geography, and many more. This happened throughout elementary school until senior high school. In Finland they teach everything of course to the students but they never forgot to tell them what is the importance of learning something and help them to find the best subject suitable for the student. This method of course will encourage student to find the best major field suitable for them and fully support them as best as possible to maximize their potential . So no one will take the wrong major field, no one will never find their talent and potential, and no one will fail to maximize their talent and potential beacuse every student will be provided a full support educational facilities to maximize students potential. 

Lastly, we failed to offer the best infrastructure availaible equally to the entire country from Sabang to Merauke. Even though we allocated 20 % of our budget towards education still we have failed to built the best infrastructure avalaible throughout the country. I know there are many factors like our geographical condition and our population growth but the most absurd and unlogical choice that was made by our Education Minister was to implement a new curriculum which is not suitable with our infrastructure and we changed our curriculum every time we change the goverment regime!. It's like we trying to install a new Windows 10 on a early 2000s pc yeah we could install it, but will it suitable? Will it run properly? No. We need to upgrade the pc first then we could swiftly install the newest operating system. Finland has the best educational infrastructure, they don't have ramshackle school everywhere throughout the entire country like we did. They standard schools are hundred times better than most of our favorite school that we have. Which is why instead of wasting money on changing curriculum each regime, it is better to build and renovate every educational infrastructures avalaible equally throughout the entrie country. Then when our infrastructures are ready then we could talk about changing curriculum to the newest one. We shall offer the best infrastructure avalaible to our students, so we could fully support them finding out what's their potential and help them maximize it. 

Most of Indonesia Elemenatry School 
Most of Finland Elementary School

"It's like we trying to install a new Windows 10 on a early 2000s pc yeah we could install it, but will it suitable? Will it run properly? No. We need to upgrade the pc first then we could swiftly install the newest operating system."

In the end, we must has a total revolution in our educational system from it's teaching method, learning assesment, and educational infrastructure. We must do it because education is our country purpose as it was stated on our opening Constitution of Indonesia 1945 and our National Education System. As a future teacher we could start revoluting our education by motivating our student, telling our student the importance of our subject, and motivate them to maximize their potential. As for the government please start repairing our educational infrastructure and build a new one if needed and please Indonesia is a large coutnry so please increase the allocation budget for education, 20 % is not enough for a country who has 250 million people. Bless my homeland forever.

writer's empirism

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